May the magical colors of your falling leaves
reveal a beauty that has seldom being witnessed…
and may your colorful carpet be the dancefloor
for many human beings.
May the delicious smell of your pouring rains
find its way into many nostrils,
leaving behind the perfume of love…
and may it be recognized by many.
May the chanting wind
blow away all sadness and worries,
only to leave a peaceful tranquility
within every human heart.
Beautiful fall,
remind us to lit the candles
and light the fire on the heart,
so that we can all remember who
we really are
all day...every day.
May you remind us in a million ways
of how everything incessantly changes
and how we can be the seer
of all magical ways
in which life expresses itself
through us...
one experience at the time.
I welcome you, beautiful fall.